Friday, September 11, 2015

We Will Never Forget

September 11, 2001

Joe Costa Mortgage Notes will take time today to remember the victims, families, fire fighters, police officers, doctors, EMT's, and everyone else around the world who was affected by this devasting tragedy.  

Joe, who has lived in Southern California for the past 11 years, is native New Yorker and was living in Manhattan on September 11, 2001. "It was an extremely tragic day and I will never forget exactly what I was doing the moment I learned the news. Thank G-d I did not lose any family on this horrific day, but I did lose friends who worked at The World Trade Centers. I am so proud to be a New Yorker, and it is extremely important for me to take the time today to remember all of the victims and families of this senseless tragedy as well as thank all of the people who helped during the days, weeks, months, and last fourteen years to make Manhattan the special place it is and will always have in my heart."

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