Thursday, December 26, 2024

Property Tax Assessment Part 2

 Here’s what you need to know up front: appealing the assessment of your property’s value isn’t particularly enjoyable, nor will it guarantee that your taxes go down. In fact, once you go through the process, you could find your property’s actual market value is actually higher than the current assessment, triggering a higher tax payment.

Filing an appeal is often free and doesn’t require you to jump through a lot of hoops to execute. Ideally, with just a little time invested and some good investigative work, you could actually lower your tax assessment and subsequently, your taxes in the process.

What’s even better, a reduction in your tax assessment value could lead to you saving a bunch of money over the near and long term. As well, if you are thorough in doing your research and get great back up to make your case for a lower assessment, you might also be able to request a refund for overpaid property taxes from previous years.

That's the best case scenario, however, and not something you should expect.

Park Place Collective

Joe Costa Broker/Owner

Marni Wolf/ VP Operations

402 West Broadway, Suite 400

San Diego, CA 92101



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