Friday, September 18, 2015

Joe Costa Mortgage Notes for Realtors Volume 3: Inspect Not Expect

Inspect Not Expect

This a concept most of us try to practice and some of us are better at it than others. This is a simple approach that helps to put you and your clients in a position to hopefully succeed. The escrow process has so many moving parts and when you expect things to get done rather than inspecting things that need to get done you probably find yourself getting frustrated and losing your focus of commitment before ego. This is the second part of the concept, if not followed, could lead to the beginning stages of deteriorating the relationship with your mortgage professional.

1-When referring a client to your mortgage professional set up time lines to review and discuss buyers buying possibilities.
2-After escrow is opened review with mortgage professional times and important inspections. Keep in mind these time lines are not etched in stone. 

If you are interested in learning to build a "Hurricane Proof" relationship with a mortgage professional contact Joe Costa with San Diego's Park Place Financial Group.

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Monday, August 31, 2015

Joe Costa's Mortgage Notes For Realtors Volume 2: Commitment Before Ego

Commitment Before Ego

Commitment before ego is one of the most important concepts that one needs to "get clear" on prior to formatting your real estate business model.  How you are in staying the course of your "commitment before ego" will ultimately determine your ability to sustain yourself and your reputation throughout your real estate career.

1- Use this concept to stay the course
2- Learn your strenghts and weaknesses around this concept
3- Use the energy you've been given to practice this concept
4- Help your clients-sellers or buyers with your professionalism
5- Take pride in being this way

For more details and further explanation of this important "commitment before ego" concept check out our website or our you tube channel Joe Costa Mortgage Notes for videos each week that will explain the concept in much greater detail.  You can also contact Joe Costa at San Diego's Park Place Financial Group directly or call his office (858) 764-2583 or cell (646)245-7856.S

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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Joe Cost's Mortgage Notes for Realtors Volume 1: Building a "Hurricane Proof" Relationship with a Mortgage Professional

In order to embark on the journey of building a "hurrican proof" with a mortgage professional one needs to clear their mind and let the chattering monkeys go.  The process for this starts with answering the following questions:

1- Is your real estate career a way of life for you?
2- How important is your reputation to you?
3- Do you truly pride yourself on doing the right thing?
4- Are you trying to win a popularity contest or conduct business?
5- Are  you currently working with a mortgage professional? If not, why?

If you are looking to buile a solid foundation with a mortgage professional and would like more
information on Scontact Joe with San Diego's Park Place Financial Group. Go to or email him at

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