Monday, September 28, 2015

Joe Costa Mortgage Notes For Realtors Volume 4: Learn Your Role And "Own It"

Learn Your Role and "Own It"

This is a concept that requires a real estate agent to understand that your mortgage professional is on your side and very much so wants to get your joint client through a successful escrow. Understand, just like your mortgage professional doesn’t want to overstep his/her boundaries with advising your client on the real estate side do the same on your end.

1-Let the mortgage professional shine and “do their thing”. After all you trusted your mortgage professional to refer your client to them. Follow through with that approach and “Own It”. If you need to have another lender review a particular file that has a challenge, discuss this with current loan officer so everyone can be clear and on the same page.

2-Learn your strengths and weaknesses 

3-Inspire through desire 

Call Joe Costa, San Diego's mortgage professional, with Park Place Financial Group or go to to gain insight on how to make your escrow process run more smoothly

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Friday, September 18, 2015

Joe Costa Mortgage Notes for Realtors Volume 3: Inspect Not Expect

Inspect Not Expect

This a concept most of us try to practice and some of us are better at it than others. This is a simple approach that helps to put you and your clients in a position to hopefully succeed. The escrow process has so many moving parts and when you expect things to get done rather than inspecting things that need to get done you probably find yourself getting frustrated and losing your focus of commitment before ego. This is the second part of the concept, if not followed, could lead to the beginning stages of deteriorating the relationship with your mortgage professional.

1-When referring a client to your mortgage professional set up time lines to review and discuss buyers buying possibilities.
2-After escrow is opened review with mortgage professional times and important inspections. Keep in mind these time lines are not etched in stone. 

If you are interested in learning to build a "Hurricane Proof" relationship with a mortgage professional contact Joe Costa with San Diego's Park Place Financial Group.

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Friday, September 11, 2015

We Will Never Forget

September 11, 2001

Joe Costa Mortgage Notes will take time today to remember the victims, families, fire fighters, police officers, doctors, EMT's, and everyone else around the world who was affected by this devasting tragedy.  

Joe, who has lived in Southern California for the past 11 years, is native New Yorker and was living in Manhattan on September 11, 2001. "It was an extremely tragic day and I will never forget exactly what I was doing the moment I learned the news. Thank G-d I did not lose any family on this horrific day, but I did lose friends who worked at The World Trade Centers. I am so proud to be a New Yorker, and it is extremely important for me to take the time today to remember all of the victims and families of this senseless tragedy as well as thank all of the people who helped during the days, weeks, months, and last fourteen years to make Manhattan the special place it is and will always have in my heart."

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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Park Place Foundation Group Pays It Forward At The Bannister Family House

Joe Costa's new foundation,  Park Place Foundation Group, is looking to pay it forward by hosting a meal at San Diego's Bannister Family House.  The  Bannister Family House was opened in 1994 for families whose relatives are receiving medical care with the UC San Diego Health System.  It provides an affordable place for families to stay and feel like they are being surrounded by the comforts of home.  The BFH is not only a place to sleep but also a place to eat, do laundry, relax, and meet other families going through a similar experience. Joe, his co-chair Marni Wolf, and their children will work together to come up with a lunch menu to be served to the guests.  The children are excited to be a part of the foundation and helping give back to their community and other families in need.  Park Place Foundation Group will also be donating canned goods as well as the meal to be served.  Joe will be talking about the upcoming event on his weekly radio segment,  "Joe Costa Mortgage Notes" on 1170 am Friday from 7-9pm on San Diego's The Answer.  For more information about getting involved with the foundation or donating canned goods to The Bannister Family House please contact Joe Costa at or Marni Wolf at

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